

Steve Jobs | Failure Is Not The End of Everything

You remember with Apple founder Steve Jobs Computer.Co? a definite yes. With his ability and not easily discouraged she continued to develop works that are exceptional. Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (born in San Francisco, California, United States, February 24, 1955, age 56 years) is a business leader and inventor of the United States.
In 1976, along with his partner Steve Wozniak, Jobs' new 21-year-old began Computer.Co founded Apple in a garage owned by his family. With great difficulty raising capital obtained by selling their goods the most valuable, the effort began. Their first computer, Apple's first successful they are selling as many as 50 units to a local store. In recent years, their business growing rapidly enough so that in 1983, Jobs lured John Sculley from Pepsi Cola to lead the company. So far, Apple Computer reap success and getting stuck its influence in the industry especially with the launch of the Macintosh computer. However, in 1985, after conflict with Sculley, the company decided to lay off their founder, that Steve Jobs himself.

After selling its shares, Jobs experiencing tremendous grief spend more time with cycling and traveling to Europe. However, shortly afterwards, the dismissal was apparently just brought a new spirit for himself. He also started a new venture that is the computer company NeXT and Pixar animation company. NeXT is actually very advanced in terms of its technology did not bring good results commercially. However, Pixar is a another success story thanks to cold hands. Through Pixar, Jobs brought a new trend in the world of animated film production in line with the launch of the movie Toy Story and Finding Nemo and the subsequent The Incredibles.
After the death of Jobs and the growing dominance of IBM and Microsoft made Apple can not compete and nearly collapsed. then, in 1997, Jobs was called back to fill the temporary leadership positions. By applying the teknoligi designed at NeXT, this time Apple re-emerged with a variety of technologically advanced product range of MacOS X, iMac and one of the iPod's phenomenal.
Steve Jobs success story teaches us that there is no instant success. Rejection and failure are often color the way we live, but do not let it make us stop. Failure is not the end of everything. But it is a matter for a new start.

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