

Money is the Motivation

However, this is not true. In fact, the vast majority of lawyers and attorneys work incredibly hard to secure clients, forge relationships with other attorneys and often without every receiving a dime.
I can remember when my father was studying for the Bar exam. He spent hours upon hours each night after he would get home from work, studying at the dining room table. Books thicker than I would have ever imagined lay sprawled out all over the table printed in a typeface that I was convinced you would need a magnifying glass in order to read without getting a headache. In the end, he wound up successfully passing the bar exam and now has his own law practice. Sure, money may have been a motivating factor for him, but more importantly, he wanted a career change. He had been making an excellent six-figure salary with the previous corporation he worked for, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to be his own boss.
So often, it is the American dream to be able to work for ourselves. Especially in this day and age, with the economy in a recession, people are finding more creative ways to work from home and be their own supervisor. Granted, there are some of us who benefit greatly from going in to an actual work place with an office because we may lack the discipline to maintain a regular work schedule otherwise. And while money is always a motivating factor for all of us (because, face it-we need money to live), it does not have to define us. In a time where so many people are being laid off from their jobs- jobs and careers that they have held for years- instead of being disappointed or upset, they are happy for the opportunity to have some time to figure out what it is that they really want to be doing with their life.
Sometimes, if you focus too much on money, you tend to lose focus of everything else in your life- or at least the things that once were important (I.e. family, friends, extra curricular activities). While it is important to make sure that you are financially secure, is it so imporant that your entire life becomes centered around earning as much money as you can. Instead, we have to find a balance between work and play. Think of how much happier children are. They are constantly learning and experiencing new things. Then, as soon as they start to get older, they play less- they experience less. Sure, you may travel every now and then or go on vacation, but too often, we don't even enjoy ourselves as we should because we are worrying about how much money we have left or how much dinner is going to cost- or those snorkeling lessons that you signed up for. Re-think how much money it would take for you to be financially secure and then start focusing on how to enjoy life!


Steve Jobs | Failure Is Not The End of Everything

You remember with Apple founder Steve Jobs Computer.Co? a definite yes. With his ability and not easily discouraged she continued to develop works that are exceptional. Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (born in San Francisco, California, United States, February 24, 1955, age 56 years) is a business leader and inventor of the United States.
In 1976, along with his partner Steve Wozniak, Jobs' new 21-year-old began Computer.Co founded Apple in a garage owned by his family. With great difficulty raising capital obtained by selling their goods the most valuable, the effort began. Their first computer, Apple's first successful they are selling as many as 50 units to a local store. In recent years, their business growing rapidly enough so that in 1983, Jobs lured John Sculley from Pepsi Cola to lead the company. So far, Apple Computer reap success and getting stuck its influence in the industry especially with the launch of the Macintosh computer. However, in 1985, after conflict with Sculley, the company decided to lay off their founder, that Steve Jobs himself.


Success story of Adam Khoo | Fool Who Became Millionaires

There is a story about a man named Adam Khoo Singapore. At the age of 26 years he had four businesses, up to U.S. $ 20juta. When Adam was 12 years of age who are labeled as lazy, stupid, mildly retarded and no hope. Upon entering elementary school, he hates to read; wants only to play computer games and watching TV. Because not learn, a lot of value F that make him more hated his teacher; hated studying, and even hatred against the school Currently sitting in third grade he was expelled from school, and moved to another school. When going into junior high, he rejected six schools, and finally into the worst schools. In schools that so many people are stupid and not acceptable in a good school, Adam Khoo is among the most stupid. Among the 160 students contemporaries, Adam Khoo was ranked 10th lowest.Her parents panicked and sends him into a lot of tutoring, but it did not help at all. In a school with a value of 0-100, the average value is 40. Even the math teacher never invited his mother and asked, "Why in the junior class 1, Adam Khoo could not work on the problems 4th grade?"At the age of 13, Adam Khoo sent to the Super-Teen Programme which was taught by Ernest Wong, who uses technology Accelerated Learning, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Whole Brain Learning. Since then the conviction of Adam Khoo changed. He believes that he can. Shown by Ernest Wong that everyone can be a genius and be a leader even though initially stupid. Ernest Wong said, "The only thing that can keep us from the false beliefs and negative attitudes." These words affect Adam Khoo. He finally has the confidence that if anyone could get an A, so could he. During this time Adam Khoo stupid, because he was young, naive, and accept wholeheartedly the words of others are negative.For the first time in his life Adam Khoo dare define its target, is get an A all. He determines the short-term goal, namely Vitoria Junior College entrance (the best high school in Singapore), long-term goal attended the National University of Singapore and became the best student there.When he returned to school, Adam Khoo directly take action with the stick motivational words that he pictures himself and learn to use to learn the correct way (which is not taught in any school), using speed reading techniques, how to record using both sides of the brain, and use super memory techniques, and when Adam Khoo asked by his teacher, he can respond appropriately.When friends and his teacher asked what he would accomplish, answered by Adam Khoo that he would be ranked # 1 in school, enter Victoria Junior College and National University of Singapore. 

Donald Trump | A Remarkable Revival

Remember with John Donald Trump or Donald Trump is famous for its name, is a businessman television, casinos and real estate. He served as CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the amount of business that are embodied in the Trump Organization.  In the course of its business, Trump in 1990 had experienced  bankruptcy, until he could no longer pay the debts in home business casino named Taj Mahal. This is due to recession  economy and skyrocketing interest bank loans.  In the world order ever experienced the most amazing resurgence Donald Trump. This well-known property entrepreneurs actually fell by U.S. $ 3.5 billion of debt in the early decades of the 1990s. But with the cleverness he could rise again to negotiate. Its rise even touted as one of the most amazing business revival.
The 1990 recession hit the United States (U.S.). Business property roll. Industry stock price continues to drop significantly. Donald Trump who was touted to have a fortune of U.S. $ 1.7 billion (RP 3.4 trillion to RP 2.000/US $ exchange rate at that time), twitching. One of the most siphon investment property is the Taj Mahal casino a bank to borrow money of approximately U.S. $ 1 billion plus high interest.
In 1991 the increasingly bloated debts. Banks increasingly anxious supporters. In 1992 to rescue his luxury hotel had difficulty paying bills, Trump Plaza and Trump's plan of bankruptcy protection package by submitting a 49% stake to the banks founders the condition that he remain seated in a chair while the Chief Executive without pay. In 1994 Trump's debt had reached U.S. $ 3.5 billion. But with some savvy negotiating stance, he could convince his credit giver. Trump survived until the property industry and then recovered.